Monday, March 19, 2012

Preparations & Introductions

The outbound Brazil GSE Team is well on our way to preparing for our upcoming trip.  It was months ago when we started this process and I know for me it seems like the time has flown by.  We are within our last three weeks before departure.

I will introduce you to my fellow ambassadors...I promise I will be nice ladies:

Jill Frey - works as a financial planner for State Farm and travels all throughout the midwest for her job.  She's a social butterfly when not hard at work for State Farm.  She seems to enjoy her travels!  She spent time working in Japan after graduating college.  I'm very excited to get to know Jill better.  I believe she'll be the fashionista on our team and will help the rest of us look like the the Diva's we really truely are.

Erin Mayberry - works as a recreational coordinator for Northfield Schools.  I'm pretty sure she enjoys this job and is amazing at it because she truely is a kid at heart.  She appears to have a very focused side, but I just know she and I are going to get along great...because she knows how to have a great time.  She's always smiling and I love that about her! 

Amy Schreiner - owns and operates her own Chiropractic clinic in River Falls, WI.  She and Erin share an equally contagious smile and Amy just happens to have a crazy fun laugh to go with her great smile.  Amy and I share a love for helping people - so I know we'll have tons to talk about on our voyage to Brazil!   She served her community as an EMT for many years!  I'm sure along with the many lives she touches on a daily basis in her Chiropractic business, she impacted many in the EMS field as well over the years. 

Team Leader Vicki Dilley - what can I say about Vicki?  Hmmm....I adore her fun smile!  Her great voice just fits her small stature like mine :).  Vicki is self employed with the Melaleuca company.  Her passion for the Rotary and the youth exchange program is amazing to watch.  I'm sure she'll make a great leader and someone we can all learn alot from.  I'm confident that those that were charged with picking out a leader for our group recognized this passion in Vicki and knew from the start that she was the perfect person for the job!

And then there is me...well...I'm certain those of you that follow this blog throughout this adventure will get to know all of us I will keep you guessing about me for now.  Perhaps one of my companion travelers will like to figure out how to log into this blog and they can write their true thoughts about me :)

All I can say for now is, I look forward to this adventure.  All kidding aside, I'm so very fortunate to have been selected along with the rest of these ladies to represent Rotary District 5960 and I think I can safely speak on everyones behalf when I say, "Thank you for this amazing opportunity!  We will proudly represent Rotary's mission throughout our time in Brazil and for many years to come!"

1 comment:

  1. Well, I get the privilege of telling you about Monica!
    From the moment she interviewed way back last summer, when I first met her, I knew I wanted her on our team! Was I ever smart to think so! She is always eager to say "I can do that" when the team needed a blog or prezi done instead of the same old power point. She is truly amazing and any group or organization she would belong too would so appreciate all that she brings. She is confident, self assured, funny, can make fun of herself, just an all around great team player.

    I am so fortunate to have each of the team members with us...Amy, Jill and Monica. One of the saddest parts of all of this is the team members that we have also come to love and adore that can't go with us...Rob and Lindsey. I tell you now, whoever chooses a team in the future would be really smart to choose these two...they have been committed to us all the way and have been great at encouraging us all.

    The inbound team arrives on Thursday and since the very beginning we have all been bonding with each other through skype, Facebook, email and all that is missing are the in personal hugs! We so look forward to welcoming them to Minnesota/ Wisconsin!

    Thanks, Monica, for setting up this are so amazing! Obrigada! Vicki
